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Not For The Weak Hearted |
Hello writers and readers. I wanted to thank everyone that has visited my site. Without you, I wouldn't be where I am right now. Thanks for your opinions. What you think is very imporant to us to make a sucessful webpage. We pay attention to what everyone is saying and use it to make the site better, so let us know what you think.
If you are visiting for the first time let me introduce myself. My name is Imm0rtal_beloved. I have been writing stories since I was in the first grade. My immortal is my first book that I can say I am very proud of. I have been working on My immortal off and on for severayl months now. I wrote My immortal so everyone can experience everything I have, but with a twist. This story contains violence,sex, and adult launage. If you are under 18 or can't handle what you are about to read , then Please do NOT read this story. For everyone else enjoy my book. If you have any comments or questions feel free to email me at
I am very proud to be working with a very talented person. With out heads banging together, we can come up with a lot of good stuff to add to this site. Let me introduce her to you. If you want to leave a comment for her email her at
We are very proud of this site, so please respect us and our work.
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